Your Inner Journey to
Making Peace With Food

What are you really hungry for?
What if you could reach your lowest weight make peace with food (and your body) without restrictive food rules?
Join me, Rena Reiser, Mind-Body & Compassion Coach, in my program: Nourish.
You’ll learn deep principles and practices to help you make friends with food — and discover a more satisfied, fulfilled and calmer you.
“I used to overeat regularly. Now I know how to deal with my emotions without turning to food.
Before working with Rena, I overate regularly. After working with Rena, I am a lot more grounded and calm. Besides the emotional toolbox that Rena gave me, I have a real understanding of why I am turning to food. When I have emotions that come up or I feel like I need a break, I need to respect them, respond to them and take care of them. Otherwise, they will take care of themselves in the ugly form of overeating. I am much more confident and accepting of myself and others.”
You want to eat mindfully and healthily — to listen to your hunger cues and stop eating when you’re full.
You know there’s something deep behind your food struggle that no trendy diet will solve.
But after a long stressful day or when hunger strikes, all good intentions get swallowed up together with the freshly baked challah.
It makes you wonder:
“I know it’s not always physical hunger, so what is it?”
“I’ve noticed that certain foods are irresistible — what’s behind that?”
“How can I be an example to my kids if my relationship with food is still rocky?”
“Either I’m on a diet, or I’m off one — can’t there be an in-between?”
“I know I’ll never be my ideal weight. How can I become OK with that?”
You wish you could figure this out already! And be free to live life without food ruling it.
And it’s not that you haven’t tried.
You’ve read up about emotional eating. You’ve scrolled Instagram/skimmed the health section in the magazine to gather tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle. You’ve analyzed what your skinny friends do (or don’t do).
But nothing’s changed. And you’re tempted to accept that food is always gonna be an issue. Period.
But does it have to be?

What if you knew (but really knew) how to:
Listen to your body’s hunger cues
Regulate your emotions rather than numbing with food
Pinpoint your food triggers
Understand the root of certain behaviors
Nurture yourself with real, nourishing self-care (even when you’re taking care of everyone else)
Identify what YOU need to feel fulfilled and satisfied in more areas of your life
And actually make this a way of life — not just a hopeful habit “sometime after Yom Tov.”
Nourish: Your Inner Journey to Making Peace with Food
This is not a food plan.
This is not a healthy lifestyle program.
This is an introspective journey,
where you’ll learn to reparent and repair your relationship with food, your body and yourself.
“Food will become a lot easier once you tap into your inner parent, and learn what mindful, compassionate nourishment looks like.”
– Rena Reiser
Your body wants to be your friend. And food does too.
But for years, we’ve been living in our heads and not in our bodies. We ignore our body’s signals. Emotional and physical. We’ve squashed our deepest needs ‘cause we’re so busy doing what we “should” and taking care of everyone else.
And then we wonder why we overeat.
In this program, I’ll walk you through a process called reparenting.
You’ll learn how to compassionately listen to your OWN needs, regulate your emotions with LOVE, and nourish your body and soul with the “food” you actually want.
“When we tune into our body’s signals – when we stop, listen, slow down, and nourish ourselves with what we really need – then food doesn’t have the same power.”
– Rena Reiser
“So, Rena, tell us: How does this process happen?”
In the program we’ll explore your relationship with food using the following tools and concepts:
Inner Child Work | Self-Compassion
Focusing Technique | Guided Imagery | Journaling
And we’ll be covering the following topics:
- Subconscious eating rules and how to let go
- I should eat regularly BUT
- Honor my hunger and fullness: A deeper look
- Self regulation – without using food
- Oh no I overate! Guilt, shame, failure.
- How black and white thinking is getting in your way
- Your trigger foods and what they’re trying to tell you
- Don’t exercise. Move and connect to your body.
- The sleep resistance
- Masculine and feminine energy
- Body image and marriage
- People pleasing and overeating

“Who are you, Rena, and how did you get into this?”
Of course, the work I do today began with my own personal journey.
I was once a black-and-white thinking computer programmer who saw life as a math formula. I tried to figure out life’s problems through over-analysis and a lot of wasted brainpower.
Till my own health issues led me to realize that lasting change really happens when we get out of our heads and into our bodies.
This opened up a new world and a lifelong passion.
It began as health coaching and led to me learning several mind-body methods and healing techniques. Now, I use these tools to help women break out of the people-pleasing, perfectionist and self-critical patterns that are getting in the way of their inner calm and balance.
In my group programs and 1:1 work, I show women how to work through conflicts and stresses by reconnecting to their bodies, their feminine intuition, and their unmet needs. They discover the lost art of self-regulation and self-compassion, and experience a healing process called “reparenting.”
Sometimes the journey begins with their food struggle, but very quickly it becomes clear that there’s way more going on than carbs and cravings.
After years of being part of hundreds of women’s inner journey towards making peace with food (and themselves!), I’m excited to offer you this experience too.
“I am happy and feel alive. Sometimes, I can’t believe it’s really me!
I listen to what I need instead of quieting my inner voice with cake. I handle the day-to-day stresses of life by reframing my negative thoughts and perceptions.
I lived through the family simcha and didn’t beat myself up about how I looked. No, I am not as thin as I would like to be, but I am happy and feel alive. In fact, sometimes, I can’t believe that it’s really me!”
– Tzippy
“There’s a reason why a specific food is so tempting. Your body is having a stress response. When you delve deeper, you discover what you’re really craving.”
– Rena Reiser
Who is Nourish for?
Deep-thinking Jewish women

“I have tried intuitive eating, and mindful eating, AND other things, I totally believe in it, but why can’t I implement it?!”

“I know that a lot of my overeating is emotional, but I haven’t managed to break the cycle. I’m aware of the emotions but I can’t catch myself in time.”

“My family members are always on a diet, and I know there has to be an alternative. I don’t want to pass the diet culture on to my kids.”
“I now deal with my emotions directly, instead of burying them under a pile of food wrappers!”
Before working with Rena, I had a tendency to eat when I was nervous, stressed out, or upset. I was following a rigid diet plan and doing intensive workouts, but bingeing on a steady basis. I had a really hard time accepting my body, no matter how thin I was.
After working through Rena’s program, I have achieved a sense of calm near food. I no longer go crazy when I see cake or cookies (my previous binge foods). I also learned to tune in to my body’s hunger, thirst, fullness, and tiredness signals, often asking myself what my body really needs at that given moment, so I can take proper care of myself. I have almost completely stopped eating due to emotional reasons, and instead try to focus on dealing with the issues directly, as opposed to burying them under a pile of food wrappers. I think less about food throughout the day and have changed my outlook on body image and dress sizes.
I would recommend Rena’s program to anyone looking to achieve true Menuchas Hanefesh.
– Yonah S.
Let's shift your relationship with food:
Starting Tuesday, April 20, 2021
- Price: $295
12 recordings ~45 minutes each (available by video and phone) available through July 20, 2021
1 bonus audio recording on feeding kids using Division of Responsibility (DOR)
- Q&A with Rena and her team -- send an email or leave a voicemail and the group will receive a customized audio response to your question within a few days.
- Sign Up Here
Starting Tuesday, April 20, 2021
- Price: $395
Access both NOURISH. + EMERGE. classes through July 20, 2021.
- Save $100 by registering for both together!
- Sign Up Here
“Food used to be the monster, and I was its victim. Now, food is just food.”
This has been the beginning of a whole new look, perspective, and sense of calm between myself and my body. It restores peace between mind and body in its relationship with food and view of diet lifestyles…once you taste it you’ll be back for more!
Before working with Rena, food was the monster and I was its victim.Now, food is just food and I am the one saying yes or no.
– Shevy
I Have Some Questions:
How do I know the change will last? I've tried other courses in the past and the change is short-lived.
This is not a quick fix. I will teach you basic tools and principles that you’ll be able to take with you throughout life. As you practice them, they will become second nature and you may wonder how you managed without them. But it’s not magic. It will take practice.
Will I lose weight through this program?
It’s possible that as you implement these principles and practices your weight will stabilize. But that is not the goal nor the promise of this program. Each woman’s body and internal process is unique and we respect the gentle journey without expecting changes from our body.
I struggle with an eating disorder. Is this for me?
If you have an active eating disorder, are severely restricting calories/foods, and/or purging by vomiting or laxatives, then this course is not for you.