1:1 Client Testimonials

“I thought I was pretty self aware… I’d taken courses, even studied some therapy techniques, UNTIL I started working with Rena. I discovered beliefs and patterns that had been stunting my growth for years (that I hadn’t had the guts to admit to myself). Rena’s kind, compassionate voice has taught me to look inward, but not with a judgmental critical eye; rather, in a curious way that gives me insight and clarity, when life is overwhelming and stressful.
My husband says – he feels the difference in our relationship since I started working with Rena.
And I know that I am able to really be there for my kids and listen to my intuition, and be MUCH kinder to myself, because of this journey.”

– E. K.

“I really enjoyed it. What I felt you did so beautifully and is so essential is this warmth and invitation-way of doing it, with a gentleness and openness to whatever comes. And the tracking of it, and helping me track my felt sense of it, without interpreting it. It’s a curious delight when just doing that catalyzes a process in and of itself, and there’s a real trusting of the own mind and body’s capacity to heal. It’s warm, open, and inviting.”

– C. L., Jerusalem

“This was so important to me and I wanted to share it with you. This is a huge shift for me! I never “needed” a thing. I needed – but I didn’t know I’m allowed to ask, or need, or want, or even if we can’t afford it ask for it. But Sunday, I just told him [my husband] a whole bunch of things I needed for the kids. And, I don’t know! He just got me money. I don’t know when, where, how! And today I gave him a list for me ‘cuz I finished with my kids’ everything. And I couldn’t believe what I was saying, but it just felt so good and so natural and so feminine. And he tells me, “____, hey, I just got wife.” He felt he had just gotten a wife and he was actually quite excited about my list and he didn’t seem to mind! So it just shows me how everything is in my own space and once things shift for me there’s lots of Shefa. So thank you!”

“I wasn’t sure what to expect from my Focusing session with Rena, but I found it to be very relaxing, interesting and healing. Rena was a calm and soothing presence as she guided me through the experience, and I really appreciated her quiet patience as I worked through figuring out what I was feeling. The inner exploration led me to an unexpected insight that I needed forgiveness from myself in order to release the heavy emotional weight I was carrying. Rena guided me to offer that forgiveness to myself and that brought me a tremendous sense of relief and release. That shift has stayed with me until now (several weeks later) and I have been able to continue consciously offering myself forgiveness and compassion through my current struggles.”

“I am completely blown away. While I consider myself to be very self-aware and mindful in general, before working with Rena, I was doubtful that I would be able to successfully follow the guidance and “tap into my inner-self.” I was quickly proven wrong.

During our session, I felt a connection within that I have never felt before. I was ultimately able to suggest to myself ways to succeed in a current issue that I was working through.

The experience was powerful within and beyond the session. I continue to think about the imagery and tools that I discovered during the experience, and am so grateful to Rena for helping me succeed in an area that I have been working on for a long time.”

“When Rena offered me a Focusing session I was willing to give it a try even though I don’t really connect to ‘feeling things’. I’ve found some therapeutic methods to be painful and/or exhausting but that wasn’t my experience with Focusing! In a calm and relaxed space I was able to connect to the real root of the issue we chose to discuss, without being pushed beyond my comfort zone. Since the session I’ve been able to revisit our conclusion whenever the issue comes up, which helps me deal with my feelings faster and more successfully. The issue isn’t fully resolved yet 😉 but I definitely feel like I made progress. Give it a try! You might be surprised.”

“Just a few weeks ago, I was going through life feeling kind of uncomfortable, but couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me. I couldn’t decide if I was fraying under the pressure of having everyone (and their stuff) home with me all day every day. When Rena suggested trying a focusing session, I figured it couldn’t hurt! I had done some mindfulness work before, so I knew that it could be potentially very helpful, but I went into the session thinking that I’d get rid of whatever feeling it was that was bothering me. Instead, Rena walked me through identifying the feeling I was struggling with and then with her help I was able to build a place for that feeling within the context of my mind and my life. Kind of hard to explain, but at the end I felt very whole – the feeling was integrated, not banished. Since then, whenever I feel that sensation coming back to me, I sort of walk through the exercise we did together in my head and find a “safe” place for the feeling. When I do, I again experience a satisfactory feeling of wholeness and acceptance of myself. Thank you Rena for providing me with such a critical tool in these complicated times!”

“I’m somebody that gets massages a lot because my back always hurts. I’d recommend people finding out why their back is so tense because maybe they just need emotional release, and they should go call Rena and then they’ll feel much better. It’ll probably last longer than the relief that the massage will give you!

It wasn’t so fun and definitely out of my comfort zone, but I’m starting to do stuff now and cleaning for Pesach, and if we didn’t have the session I’d still be in bed until the kids came home, without cleaning anything, and then I’d be more stressed out and not deal with the feelings. It was definitely productive and it’s very cool, and it was only 40 minutes!”

“Rena is a highly skilled and gifted coach, who listens with clarity and perception to what’s going on with her clients. Recently I was working through a very painful situation. Rena held space for me without judgement, reflected back to me what I was experiencing and feeling and helped open my mind to other ways of looking at the situation. She didn’t jump in and give me a solution. She allowed me to talk things out, process my pain and only towards the end of our session did she ask me if I was open to hearing another perspective. There was no urgency or rush to “fix the problem”.
Working with Rena is a gift.”

– Debbie Sassen, Business, Mindset & Money Coach

“Rena really helped me get to the bottom of my dilemma with social media. She had me identify the many voices coming up for me and work through them until I could clarify my values and goals. She facilitated a very helpful process and guided me to a resolution including using my own intuition and feelings to guide me. Rena is intuitive, insightful, and patient. This was all done in one session!! Thank you so much.”

“I can honestly say that since I’ve been working with you my physical, mental and most of all my emotional health has taken a sharp turn for the BETTER!!! I have more energy and clearer mind with a “can do” attitude and I’m happier, more joyful – living in the moment – more compassionate and self accepting to myself and others – my communication/connection with my family is so much more open and loving…. and I can go on….
Rena- I’m behind your avodas hakodesh all the way!! If these are my results I can imagine how much love and light you are spreading around the world- one precious Jewish woman at a time!”

– Binah D.

“I’ve really felt a shift in my mind/body connection from having worked with you.”