216 – Somatic Mindfulness Practice 02 28 2024

Embracing Support: A Journey Within

In Rena’s guided somatic mindfulness practice, she gently invites you to start by simply breathing deeply, tuning into the fullness of each inhale and exhale. With her soothing voice, she signals permission to slow down, guiding you to notice the support of the surface beneath you. As you sink into this awareness, she prompts you to imagine the absence of this support, inviting reflections on how it feels to rely solely on yourself. With compassion, Rena encourages you to bring to mind a minor challenge, observing its impact on your body and emotions. Then, she softly reminds you of Hashem’s support, encouraging trust in Him to navigate through difficulties. Through this practice, you learn to recognize and embrace Hashem’s various forms of support, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, fostering a deep sense of ease and connection with Hashem.

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