On the outside, we’re all so different.
- One is a rebbetzin of a shul
- Another is a stay-at-home-mom
- Another is a business owner
And we also have different struggles:
- One is struggling with her critical husband
- Another keeps losing it with her kids
- Another has imposter syndrome
Yet, when we tune in and peel away the external layers…
We realize that we’re all coming from the exact same place.
That we’re all struggling with the same limiting beliefs, the same stressful “relationships”…
So why am I telling you all this?
Because on Tuesdays I run a group program.
Now, I know, for some of you, your initial response is:
“Thanks Rena – group work is NOT for me. When I can, I’ll work with you one on one”
But I want you to realize something.
In my group coaching programs…
You don’t need to spill the beans about the fight with your husband,
or tell the world you ate the whole plate of cookies,
or that you yelled at your kids.
(Unless you want to)
It’s not about looking at our external circumstances, or discussing how to change…
It’s simply not the point.
The tools I use,
the guided exercises
the questions
Allow us to
- Get honest about what’s really going on inside of us
- Tune in to the sensations in our bodies
- Listen to those messages we need to hear
So we can intuitively decide how to move forward.
It’s about tapping into your inner voice, getting your own insights, and doing the guided inner work…not focusing on the external issues.
So you can feel safe to explore what’s really going on…yes, even (or davka) in a group setting.
And along the journey, you’ll realize that we’re all actually struggling with the same things, and the group experience becomes extremely empowering, healing and supportive.
We meet once a week for 90 minutes.
(It’s a month-long-group-coaching commitment @ $100 / 350nis, with the option to renew each month)
It’s a safe supportive space for deep thinking introspective women.
For anyone who is curious to use:
- Journaling
- Non-dominant handwriting
- Focusing
- Guided Imagery
To get real and honest about what’s beneath the surface of your struggles (without having to air your dirty laundry!)
To finally listen compassionately to what YOU really need
To let our intuition guide our next step
To access insights that your over-thinking-mind hasn’t quite figured out yet
To tap into your feminine intuition
And harness the power of your mind-body connection for real growth.
If this speaks to you or could help someone you know
Send me a message expressing your interest and I’ll be in touch to set up a time to talk and see if this is a fit for you:
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