240 – Somatic Mindfulness Practice 04 07 2024

Beneath “How Are You?”: A Deep Dive into Self-Inquiry

We embark on a journey of deepening connection with ourselves through somatic mindfulness guided by Rena. With gentle breaths, we signal to our entire being that it’s okay to slow down, to truly check in. Whether sitting, reclining, or lying, we invite our bodies to settle as we assess the state of our nervous system, acknowledging if we’re calm, in fight or flight, shutdown, or somewhere in between. We pose the question, “How are you?” and bravely allow all that arises to surface, noticing where sensations reside within. With compassionate curiosity, we explore these feelings, asking what they signify and what longings they hold. Finally, we inquire how we can support ourselves in fulfilling those needs, listening attentively to our inner voice. 

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