252 – Somatic Mindfulness Practice 05 06 2024

Harmonizing Dichotomy

During Rena’s guided somatic mindfulness practice, we journeyed inward, inviting our breath to echo in the present moment. We paused to notice the compassionate, loving way we could be with ourselves, feeling the depth and fullness of each breath. As we sank into our bodies, we acknowledged our current starting point and envisioned our ultimate goals, sensing the distance between them. Shifting between the present and the future, we allowed ourselves to experience both extremes, staying connected with compassion. Returning to the present, we focused on the next step, feeling relief and completion in each movement forward. We remained with these sensations, honoring our pace and connection with ourselves.

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Malka Kellermanreply
May 13, 2024 at 5:17 am

Thank you for sharing these with me via email. I am completely floored at how relaxed and rejuvenated it makes me. Thank you again for making this available to me!

May 14, 2024 at 2:14 pm
– In reply to: Malka Kellerman

You’re very welcome, Malka! Wishing you more relaxation and rejuvenation!

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