Hot & Cold Chickpea Salad

I made this recipe in a flash on a busy Lag B’Omer day. Read all about that here.

Hot and Cold Chickpea Salad


1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped

1 large scallion, chopped

2 medium cucumbers, chopped

10 cherry tomatoes, halved

salt, zhatar, and spicy paprika to taste

olive oil for sauteeing and flavoring

Saute the carrots and the chickpeas until the chickpeas start to brown. Add in the scallion during the last minute of sauteeing, along with the salt, zhatar, and spicy paprika. Remove from the pan and put into a bowl with the cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Serve while warm and enjoy!


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May 13, 2015 at 9:17 am

Sounds great! I would like to give this a try, just excuse my ignorance, but are there bug-free shallots available, or do they come canned? Are they found in most supermarkets? I don’t recall seeing them in my local Zol B’shefa. Can I substitute an onion instead?

May 13, 2015 at 11:24 am
– In reply to: Tzippy

Hi Tzippy! Woops — I meant to write “scallions” — not shallots! I’m so glad you pointed that out and so I changed it in the post.

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