Category / Blog / Emotional Health / Inspiration / Mindfulness / Relationships
Living Compassion: A Story
I want to share a story with you that happened recently… Several people were sitting in a room together having a discussion. Let’s call the main characters Al, Bill, Charlie, Dorothy, and…
Behind the scenes @ Embodied Dance
You may have noticed that for the past few months I’ve been running an Embodied Dance workshop a few times a week. Some of you may have seen the emails and thought… “Nah, not my…
Erev Shabbos
Erev Shabbos. I could write a book about Erev Shabbos! The rushing, the stress, the go go go. It can be a recipe for lots of things. And then Shabbos can be…
95 – Healing what is broken
I fell. The tears flowed as the pain registered. “Get up!” – I told myself and cried some more. Impossible. He approached and asked, “Gveret, do you need help?” Yes, I nodded.…
Bright Ideas
The Light-Bulb Moment It was a bright day in the village of Kazomere. The town had received its very first electric light bulb. It hung proudly in the town hall, a token…
Beyond Waze
Technology—can’t live with it, can’t live without it. How many of us even take our normal routes nowadays without activating our GPS or Waze? Maybe there’s traffic. Maybe there’s a speed trap.…
Rescued from Non-Dessert-ed Island
Suspension bridges are frightening—some more than others. But the most frightening suspension bridge in the world is in a faraway place called Non-Dessert-ed Island. The bridge sits at the far end of…
Matzah, Matzah Everywhere But Not a Bite to Eat
While your neshamah is filled with excitement for this upcoming Pesach, your guf may give you great concern. For many people, Pesach—or more specifically, eating on Pesach—can be downright scary. “What am…
Respect Your Body as It Is
Is your closet filled with clothes that haven’t fit you in years? Do you refuse to accept the body you have as your own, and instead, cling to an idealized image you…
“At the end of the day I’m an emotional eater”
I’m glad to be back with another question from one of our readers. If you have a question you’d like me to answer please email it to me! Here’s our next question:…
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