258 – Somatic Mindfulness Practice 05 15 2024

Hashem’s Infinite Embrace Visualization

In Rena’s guided somatic mindfulness practice, we were gently led into a space of deep embodiment and self-nurturing. We began by acknowledging the permission to slow down, to step away from the chaos of life, and to simply relax. As Rena’s words enveloped us, we felt ourselves internalizing this permission, allowing it to seep into every fiber of our being. Through a powerful visualization, we connected with the image of a newborn longing for love and care being held by a nurturing parent. Then, tenderly, we saw ourselves as the infant, experiencing the profound sensation of being held, understood, and supported by Hashem’s loving arms. With each breath, we sank deeper into this nurturing embrace, feeling the warmth and security reverberate through our bodies. Rena guided us to notice the subtle shifts within us, as we surrendered to the embrace of infinite support and love. In this moment, we were cradled in Hashem’s loving arms, feeling seen, heard, and cherished.

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September 10, 2024 at 4:02 am

I absolutely love this meditation! It is beautiful and comforting and really takes me through my day! Rena – Hashem has given you a special gift to help so many women like you do!! 🙂

September 12, 2024 at 5:22 pm

MW, thank you for your feedback! I’m so glad that this meditation is there to take you through your day. <3

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