112 – Compassion for Korach?

I was having a conversation with someone recently about chinuch.

In it we discussed the idea that if we connect to our kids through their misbehavior, they’ll learn to continue that misbehavior.

I think there’s some truth here, but there’s an important nuance that is missing and can change the whole picture.

That nuance is compassion.

We can learn this from the way Moshe Rabbeinu responded to Korach.

Listen in to this week’s episode where I discuss:

– Why connecting to your child even through their “negative” behaviors doesn’t mean ignoring them
– How every behavior is an expression of an unmet need
– Yes, even when your child isn’t going to bed on time, there’s some sort of unmet need
– What compassion is truly about
– Why compassion isn’t counter productive when someone acts against the rules / inappropriately
– The ultimate story of compassion in the Torah: the story of Korach, and Moshe Rabbeinu’s compassion
– The steps of compassion we can learn from Moshe Rabbeinu’s response to Korach

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