119 – Frum Women’s Insight Panel #3: How to Manage NOSH on Purim

Last Wednesday we joined together for the third live Q&A on The Frum Women’s Insight Panel! Our topic was “How to Manage NOSH on Purim” Our panelists were Esti Asher, Gila Glassberg, and Yaffi Lvova.

Here are the questions that our panelists answered:

1) There is tons of unhealthy food around on Purim, coupled together with a lack of schedule. How can we make sure to eat healthy food, especially as in Yerushalayim it’s on Friday?

2) Trading nosh for money? Is that right? Do you agree? Disagree? What message is that giving? Is it healthy? I’m never totally at peace with it. But I see people doing it all the time.

3) I’m so torn. Should I let my kids eat what they want and they’ll naturally learn that eating too much junk makes them feel gross? Or should I put a limit on the amount they eat? It’s just one day per year!

4) In the past I’ve thrown a lot of the extra nosh in the garbage, because neither me or the kids can resist having it in the house. Is that because we have no self control? I feel like some people just aren’t wired to have self control and it’s not fair to have it there as a temptation. It’s human instinct to want to eat when you’re hungry. And if you’re hungry and there’s nosh… It’s as if the bechira chofshit goes out the window! What do you think.

5) I still struggle with the onslaught of nosh in my house on Purim. It gets me every year. I’m sure this is a BIG question, but how can I enjoy the nosh without going overboard?

6) How can I limit my kids Nosh intake when I sneak it when no one’s looking! I feel like a hypocrite! 


Links to panelists’ websites:

Esti Asher: https://www.estiashernutrition.com/


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Watch the recording of the panel on YouTube:

Listen to the recording:

By phone:
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Israel call 073-347-7662, press 1, then 119#.


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Tzipora Weinrebreply
March 9, 2023 at 2:57 am

This was so incredible Rena!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!
I would love to speak to all of them!!
Thank you thank you!!

March 16, 2023 at 4:32 pm
– In reply to: Tzipora Weinreb

You’re very welcome, Tzipora! Glad you enjoyed and gained from it.

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