A Zesty Immune Boost
With all the talk of Superfoods going around I felt it was important to point out that there are so many Superfoods laying unnoticed in your cupboard. You don’t need to spend lots of money or take the time going to specialty shops in order to get amazing, nutritionally dense foods to keep you healthy and feeling good.
Being that it is winter it’s best to focus on the Superfoods that peak at this time of year since that is when they are reaching their nutritional maximum.
Today’s Superfood, coming to you straight from your cupboard (or fridge) is…
Oranges are the original Superfood. Used medicinally in Europe as early as the time of the Rishonim they became famous as the cure for Scurvy, a disease caused by, well, not enough Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the first recognized and most potent anti-oxidants and the winter time is when Oranges are most full of them and at their cheapest. Other than fighting harmful free radicals Vitamin C is needed for the health and repair of various tissues, including skin, bones, teeth, and cartilage.
Oranges also contain fiber (which stabilize blood sugar) and potassium, an important mineral many of us don’t get enough of. All of this makes Oranges one of the best immune fighting fruits out there. Of course, Lemons, Grapefruits, and Pomellos also pack a powerful Vitamin C punch, as do berries and kiwis.
There you have it. A cheap and easy Superfood straight from your cupboard.