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Category / Emotional Health / Guided Meditations / Exercises / Podcast / Rosh Hashana
100 – Love, Shefa, and Elul
Elul. It’s a time for teshuva, right? So that means…it’s a time for fear? Nope. Actually, it’s a time for LOVE. As we learn from the words: Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li. But…
99 – Creating change from the inside out
Is change on your mind? It’s that time of year. Elul is here and change is in the air. There are all sorts of ways to create changes in your life. But…
98 – Be a “positive person”? With negative emotions? Here’s how.
We all “want” to be positive people. But negative emotions happen. We get hurt. We feel triggered. We experience negative interactions with the people around us. So what are we supposed to…
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