Category / Inspiration
Tisha b’av and your relationship with food (and yourself)
It’s about an hour before Tisha B’av and I have been wanting to write something to you for the last few days, and haven’t had the chance. Here’s what I wanted to…
your dusty thermometer
We each have a built-in hunger/fullness-ometer. It’s called your body. Don’t be afraid to use it! It loves you too much. I know, it may sometimes feel like a complicated read. Pretend…
it almost didn’t happen
I was SO sure I didn‘t need to check my admin login information. The nagging, responsible voice inside me told me that checking it was the professional thing to do. Of COURSE…
the annual post-Pesach freak out
It’s the post Pesach diet freak out season. You have two choices: 1) You can continue down the same yo-yo path once again. You may have done that already many times over.…
how not to mindlessly eat before Pesach
Last week a reader asked: “Do you have any insights to share about how not to mindlessly eat next week when there is no real food around next week? I should be…
if a bird lands on top of your food
If a bird lands on top of your food and no one sees it, did it really land on your food? This past Shabbos afternoon, after a lovely meal, we went for a short…
icy cold water
It’s been pretty cold this week here in Karmiel. Of course, when you consider the fact that I’m originally from Toronto, the weather makes it look like it’s spring! Nevertheless, Israeli homes…
the bored couch
We have a rule in our house that if someone complains that they’re bored they have to go sit on the couch and feel their boredom. I know, it’s a little crazy.…
vacation highlights
Recently, a dozen brave souls joined me on a journey to a destination unknown. Before we took off, some were feeling stressed, some were feeling frazzled. As we set sail who could…
What’s your favorite sufgania on Chanukah?
Recipes flying. Oil frying. Calories multiplying. It’s that time of the year again, folks. 8 days of oil, sugar, and carbs (and miracles and wonders, of course). It’s a time of year…
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